Our ministry members believe in the sanctity of human Life, from conception to natural death. Annual events include the Baby Bottle Campaign, the Rose Applique, baby item or diaper collections for Catholic Charities, a Pancake Breakfast, and participation at the March for Life and 40 Days for Life.
Leaders: Chris Kelley (724)799-0249 and Diane Payne - (412)508-1439
Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm in St. Joseph's Room at St. John Neumann We do not meet in July and August. The next meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 7pm.
Check back for more details!
The Catholic Church cares about you, your family and your future. We are here to support you through all stages of life. Below are links to programs that are avaialble to help you and your family.
Women’s Choice Network | Genesis House
ProLife Across America | Catholic Charities-Pittsburgh
St. Vincent DePaul Society | Mary's Gate