Light of Life Rescue Mission meets the immediate needs of homeless men and women providing meals, shelter and programs, empowering them to transform their lives.
The Mission provides over 200,000 meals annually, including breakfast and dinner seven days a week. On the third Thursday of every month, up to 6 volunteers from our parish work together with the staff at Light of Life to serve dinner to those staying at the shelter.
We meet at St. John Neumann at 4pm and carpool to Light of Life and serve from 4:30 until 6pm. We return to church by 6:30pm.
If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please email Cindy Wilson [email protected]
Will you help your neighbors in need? Our parish has a wonderful working relationship with the North Hills Community Outreach(NHCO) a non-profit that addresses the needs of people in crisis, hardship and poverty in Northern Allegheny County.
Our parish has an ongoing collection of food for North Hills Community Outreach. Donations can be brought to St John Neumann and placed under the stairs in the 2 bins marked NHCO. The most needed items are listed in this link
Throughout the year, NHCO also holds various collections for sharing projects. These sharing projects include food for Thanksgiving, personal care collections and toy drives. If you are interested in participating and woudl like more information please click this here for specific dates and more information about each collection.
Any questions, contact Renee Full 724-272-0450
Habitat for Humanity of Beaver County partners with local, moderate income families to help them build a place they can call home.
Our volunteers normally meet every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to approximately 3:00 PM to work on building a new home or restoring an old home. The minimum age to work on-site is 16 years with their Parents permission. Since it is on Wednesday the majority of our group are retired men and women, however anyone is welcome. You don't have to be experienced, we will teach you the necessary skills. You just need to be willing to work and get a little dirty.
In our new homes we normally do everything from siding, fascia and soffit, water supply lines, install fixtures both electrical and plumbing, dry wall, trim work, painting, decks, and some landscaping. We have plenty of tools if you don't have a favorite hammer.
Depending on the job site we try to carpool from Saint John Neumann or another site on the way to the job site. To get involved please email Francis at [email protected].
Learn more Habitat for Humanity of Beaver County at
The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is served once a month by a group of parishioners. To be put on the contact list, email Sarah Schneider at [email protected]. You will receive a registration form each month. Carpool leaves at 8 AM from the St. John Neumann parking lot on the second Thursday of each month. Volunteers go to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to pack food for distribution, lunch out and return.