Join us after all Masses on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at St John Neumann for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and sausage to raise funds for our Appalachia Mission summer work camp. Your donations will be used for construction materials for numerous home repair projects for those in need. $10 Adults/$5 children. Hope to see you there!
Shop the Sale!
March 15th from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
St. John Neumann Church in Bovard Hall
Coffee and donuts will be available.
Great deals (“bag sale”) after noon on day of sale
The Appalachia Mission is a special opportunity within our parish to not only minister to each other, but to go on mission to spread God’s love to our neighbors in Preston County, WV. Our pinnacle is a yearly, week-long trip at the end of June to provide house repairs through the Summer Home Repair Program.
Started in response to the devastating flood of 1985, the Summer Home Repair Program has been organized by the Catholic Churches of Preston County since 1986. Through the blessings of our Lord, it has continued to grow in breadth, and currently responds to over 100 applications each year from low-income residents in desperate need of safer living conditions.
Each summer, dozens of groups from surrounding areas travel in to help build up the people and homes of our neighbors in need. Our Parish has been blessed to be one of those groups for over 30+ years, working year-round to make God’s light shine through repairs, donations, encouraging support, and our steady presence. The events and fundraisers at our parish provide an opportunity for our entire community to come together to support and fund the repairs. We also hold a clothing drive in July, and a Christmas donation drive which provide many basic necessities to the people of Preston County each year.
The consistency of this mission trip to Preston Country, WV, the ongoing relationships that have been established between our two communities, and the dedication of our parishioners to support our brothers and sisters in desperate need of improved living conditions and God’s light of hope, continues to help transform lives and hearts in both our communities year in and year out. Are you being called this year?
This year’s trip is June 21 - 28, 2025.
The trip is for those high school age and up (14+) with opportunities for a variety of skill levels.
Those under 16 may attend but require an adult to go with them.
No, only an open heart and mind! There are many people to learn from and a range of tasks to be completed. No matter what your gifts, there's a way to contribute. We bring our humble selves and God does the amazing work!
You can still contribute! The yearly fundraisers provide an opportunity to volunteer and serve locally, as well as to come together in fellowship and support.
We encourage you to join our email distribution list that will keep you up to date about the mission, including information sessions regarding our annual trip and other happenings like our fundraisers.
Email Lale Virostek to join the list at: [email protected].
What an amazing evening for the App on Tap fundraiser! Thank you to everyone who helped in the planning and execution of the event, as well as to all those who came out in support of this important mission. Check out the video of the event.